Crossing the finish line first with cloud

Crossing the finish line first with cloud

Miguel Vega is Vice President Systems Hardware at IBM Middle East and Africa.

For your business to lead the race, it needs, like a champion athlete, to have the ideal build. By that I am referring to IT infrastructure, which has now become vital to so many organisations that succeed in crossing the line first.

Specifically, I am talking about cloud infrastructure, which handles all those prized traits – real-time analytics, collaborative innovation, secure data storage, and more. Mastering these tasks is becoming a necessity in today’s business world, but one of the biggest hurdles is sourcing the right blend of traditional IT, private cloud and public cloud – and fast.

According to Gartner, by 2020, a corporate no cloud policy will be as rare as a no internet policy. Cloud computing is quickly becoming both the delivery and consumption models for IT. Once the infrastructure becomes the norm, which it very nearly is already, those who do it best will be the ones to succeed in their respective markets. That is simply because the cloud has the power to help you do many great things.

Business critical applications can be designed, built and delivered on the cloud faster than ever before. Meanwhile, your most valuable data can be kept locked safely away on a self-managed private cloud platform, speeding up disaster recovery should a crisis hit.

This would explain why the value of cloud services delivered in the Middle East and North Africa is predicted to grow by 18.3% this year, topping approximately $880 million, says Gartner. More and more businesses may be getting in better shape by moving on to the cloud, but making the transformation yourself is no straightforward task.

Key takeaways

  • According to Gartner, by 2020 a corporate no cloud policy will be as rare as a no internet policy
  • Business critical applications can be designed built and delivered on the cloud faster than ever before
  • Cloud computing is quickly becoming both the delivery and consumption models for IT
  • Once the infrastructure becomes the norm those who do it best will be the ones to succeed in their respective markets
  • Your most valuable data can be kept locked safely away on a self-managed private cloud platform, speeding up disaster recovery should a crisis hit
  • You first need to understand precisely what kind of traditional IT, private and public cloud infrastructure is required and then transition the business to this new infrastructure

You first need to understand precisely what kind of traditional IT, private and public cloud infrastructure is required, and then transition the business to this new infrastructure seamlessly, without disrupting operations. Moreover, cutting costs and increasing security is a prerequisite for any IT development these days. Today’s cloud infrastructure can deliver all this and more.

Once there, you need to keep up the pace by quickly creating new applications and delivering services as your customers demand them. Open source automation simplifies the process of installing your new system.

When you are up and running, all on and off-premise virtual machines can be managed from one single place for simplicity, while system of record workloads and data can be tied to cloud-based apps with complete security.

That ticks the four boxes of world-beating cloud infrastructure – speed, simplicity, security and scalability.

Technology developments have helped to level the business playing field for small and medium enterprises, which means successful companies need to be faster, smarter and more agile to win. Cloud IT infrastructure can make all this happen and more, but are you prepared?

Cloud gives a business, analytics, collaborative innovation, data storage, explains Miguel Vega at IBM.

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