
Why we should let our walls down when it comes to cybersecurity

With digital threats growing more rampant across the country and from around the world, the idea of building ‘walls’ for cyber defence and protection can seem appealing. But even in this age of hackers...

Veritas 360 Data Management Suite with new subscription pricing

Veritas has unveiled the Veritas 360 Data Management Suite, a new offering that packages our data management technology portfolio under a single subscription licence to better suit the needs of businesses as they move...

2017: The year data and analytics go mainstream

In 2017, the use of data and analytics will increase greatly, creating value both inside and outside organisations that have prepared for this shift, says Ted Friedman. To support a ‘data and analytics everywhere’ wor...

ServiceNow survey shows 2018 as year of automation for routine enterprise...

ServiceNow has released the results of a new report, Today’s State of Work: At the Breaking Point, revealing that the majority of organisations have introduced advanced automation in their workplace, and nearly half of exe...

Could Fireball malware become the next Mirai?

Researchers have recently uncovered a malware strain believed to have infected more than 250 million computers globally. It is further believed that this malware is present on 20 per cent of corporate networks. Dubbed...

Exploiting data breaches

High profile data breaches are regularly in the news and, seemingly, businesses are losing the battle to protect their intellectual property (IP), corporate and customer data from the threats posed by professional...

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