
Customer experience outweighing brand experience

Nobody can deny that we are now in the age of the customer. Through online and mobile channels they are well informed and this information allows them to compare and choose the most convenient provider or vendor. If...

Datacentre traffic driving innovative cabling solutions

Over the next three years, cloud, video and the Internet of Things are set to influence the industrial sector to an extent never before seen by the market. The increase in data traffic means that datacentres will have...

Gartner’s top ten strategies for security professionals

Today’s security professionals battle threats from outside the organisations well as those from their own employees. But what about threats that they already know exist? The next few years will see a variety of a...

A cyber attack is a street fight

A successful cyber attack can shut down operations, not just for a few hours, but for days and weeks. The collateral damage, such as information leaks, reputational damage and so on, can continue for much longer....

Aligning business growth with employee satisfaction

When a business experiences sudden growth, it creates a myriad of emotions from joy and excitement to dread and fear. The progressive mind-set that stimulates growth can inadvertently cause us to be less sensitive to...

How to make sense of your security spending

According to a March 2016 PwC report A False Sense of Security that surveyed 300 Middle Eastern organisations, the region has become one of the prime targets for cyber attacks. In fact, according to the findings in...

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