Claro Colombia to participate in next 5G auction

Claro Colombia to participate in next 5G auction

Claro Colombia has ratified its commitment to Colombia and its participation in the next 5G auction announced by the National Government for December 20 of this year.

Likewise, the company’s president has pointed out the need to comply with the established schedule and the review of spectrum prices in view of the step that the country must take in terms of technology and coverage in the coming years.

“5G is undoubtedly greater connectivity for everyone, it is the next mandatory step that the industry must take, but it must also be accompanied by spectrum pricing policies, which must focus on promoting investments to expand capacity, coverage and the quality of the networks,” said Juan Carlos Archila, President of América Móvil in Colombia, in a meeting held in Bogotá, and in which he indicated what the company expects in the spectrum allocation process for 5G in the country.

Among others, he highlighted the importance of meeting the dates set by the Government as one of the essential aspects to successfully achieve the 5G auction. He also said that equitable measures focused on promoting investment and deployment of infrastructure that promote inclusive connectivity must be guaranteed, especially in remote areas of the country. Additionally, the allocation of blocks and the cost of the spectrum must be reviewed, which is currently one of the highest in Latin America.

5G is essential to meet the goal set by the Government of 85% coverage in the country for this four-year period, since this will lead to obligations for all operators in terms of coverage in rural areas.

According to Archila: “Efforts must be placed on equal obligations for all operators and encourage investment. Additionally, it must be guaranteed that the companies that participate in the auction have knowledge and the investment capacity, so that the adoption of the technology is successful.”

Colombia has the opportunity to close the technological gap in which it currently finds itself. With a good 5G auction and its subsequent implementation, the country will be able to advance in improving the quality of life of our citizens, boost the economy and open new doors towards progress in terms of Smart Cities, agriculture and smart logistics, among other benefits.

Likewise, regarding the recent announcements of the merger of two important operators in the country to participate in the 5G auction, among other aspects, Archila pointed out: “It is necessary that the Government and the companies guarantee that the quality of the services will not be affected.”

He emphasized that “equal and equitable conditions must be maintained for the steps that come in terms of connectivity, all focused on the benefit of Colombians and companies in the country.”