SONDA starts installation of fiber optic network in Mato Grosso do Sul 

SONDA starts installation of fiber optic network in Mato Grosso do Sul 

SONDA, a regional leader in Digital Transformation services, has started the installation phase of a fiber optic network in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil, one of the main stages of the Infovia Digital project, which completes one year since the contract was signed.

At this stage, the teams are finalizing the cabling on the streets and avenues of the capital, in Campo Grande, which represents the installation of 458 kilometers of fiber optic network cable, equivalent to the distance between the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

This stage will promote coverage at 280 points, five squares with free Wi-Fi access and eight points with video camera monitoring, until it ends at the interconnection with state public buildings. With the conclusion, scheduled for early September, the network installation project will move inland.

The construction of the COR (Network Operations Center), a space that will control the entire infrastructure of Infovia Digital and keep data management centralized and integrated, is also underway and is expected to be delivered by the end of August. When ready, the structure will be responsible for IP extensions and surveillance of digital public squares and vehicles that travel on highways, ensuring safety and reliability, control of traffic capacity between administrative units and modularity for future expansions as demand increases.

The SONDA Infovia Digital Consortium involves an investment of R$887 million, of which R$306 million is for the implementation of Infovia and R$581 million is for the maintenance and operation of the project. The implementation of Infovia Digital is expected to be fully completed by December 2024.

In all, Infovia Digital’s contract provides for the installation of seven thousand kilometers of fiber optic network throughout Mato Grosso do Sul, providing high-capacity and high-speed voice, image and data transmission services. 

The network will interconnect 15,000 VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) extensions and 1,634 government access points, such as secretariats, municipalities, foundations, state schools and universities, tax agencies, regional hospitals, penal establishments, police stations, public defender’s offices and prosecutor’s offices in the 79 municipalities of Mato Grosso do Sul, expanding the reach of its services. 

In addition, public Wi-Fi will be made available in 129 squares in all cities of the state, and remote monitoring cameras, assisting public security and rescue services. The network will also be available to the private sector, which will be able to incorporate investments within the state.

Rédel Furtado Neres, Economic and Financial Director of the Office of Strategic Partnerships of the State Government, highlights, among the benefits of Infovia Digital, the implementation of an intranet connecting all 1,634 points of the state, which will facilitate the integration of public policies and enable greater security in data traffic.

“With Infovia Digital, the state will have the possibility to promote projects such as digital schools, as well as adopt telemedicine. In addition, to provide free Internet in public squares and bring digital inclusion to the population,” said Ricardo Scheffer, CEO of SONDA Brazil.

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