Adistec Brazil announces partnership with North American CyberArk

Adistec Brazil announces partnership with North American CyberArk

Adistec, a value-added distributor focused on infrastructure for data centers and information security, is the new distributor of CyberArk in Brazil.

With over 20 years in the market, CyberArk is a global leader in identity security, protecting critical assets against cyberattacks.

José Roberto Rodrigues, Country Manager, Adistec Brazil, said: “As Digital Transformation necessarily takes organizations into a data-driven world, companies are facing significant changes that have created attack vectors and new risks.

“With the arrival of CyberArk, we have the opportunity to offer a more complete portfolio to our channels and support them in compliance processes that are following the standards set out in legislation, such as the LGPD (Brazilian General Data Protection Law),” said Rodrigues.

The agreement between the two companies focuses on distributing the entire CyberArk portfolio, which includes identity management solutions. In addition to the security of privileged accounts, it can stand out the protection of privileges on workstations and the use of Machine Learning to provide secure access to end-users using a secure and agile layer of IAM (Identity and Access Management). Another highlight is the DevSecOps layer protecting the DevOps pipeline.

According to Emerson Lima, Security Sales Manager at Adistec Brazil, the company expects to increase and foster new business in the security unit, reaching a growth of 10% in 2022.

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