EdgeUno opens new Office in Ecuador

EdgeUno opens new Office in Ecuador

Telecommunications company EdgeUno has opened a new office in Quito, Ecuador.

The event, led by the company’s CEO Mehmet Akcin, was exclusively for employees and served as a moment of celebration and pride for EdgeUno.

The design of the new offices embodies EdgeUno’s innovative and forward-thinking vision with the spaces carefully planned to encourage collaboration, foster creativity and promote teamwork.

Comfort was prioritized and the latest technology was incorporated to create an environment that enhances efficiency and generates innovative ideas.

Paul Harris, the Country Manager for Ecuador, expressed excitement about the inauguration of these offices.

He emphasized that the expansion in Ecuador not only strengthens the company’s presence in telecommunications networks and the cloud, but also demonstrates EdgeUno’s commitment to delivering high-quality solutions throughout the region.

Currently, EdgeUno has a dedicated team of 22 employees in Ecuador, supported by specialized technicians who join the team for ongoing projects.

These professionals play vital roles in various key areas such as technical support, sales, administration, engineering and infrastructure. Their expertise and dedication are crucial for driving business growth and ensuring successful project implementation and monitoring.

Mehmet Akcin, the CEO and Founder of EdgeUno, along with other important company employees, attended the inauguration event.

The senior management expressed enthusiasm for the growth potential in the region and reaffirmed EdgeUno’s commitment to providing quality corporate services supported by a neutral multicarrier network.

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