João Marques dos Santos, Vice President of Strategic Alliances for Cloud, Oracle Latin America 

João Marques dos Santos, Vice President of Strategic Alliances for Cloud, Oracle Latin America 

João Marques dos Santos, as Vice President of Strategic Alliances for Cloud in Oracle Latin America, has a vision of the industry that inspires people to consider how to improve the ITC market.  

João Marques dos Santos, as Vice President of Strategic Alliances for Cloud in Oracle Latin America

Can you describe your current role and the somewhat challenging parts? 

My role is related to managing the entire ecosystem and strategic alliances for cloud in Latin America, with the mission of developing business, connecting and training partners in a way that they achieve their plans. Additionally, we aim to help companies stay on track towards Digital Transformation. Our department has a dedicated team to ensure that this work always focuses on customers: customer-centric and customer-first. 

Can you explain how your company works with channel partners? 

We have a comprehensive program that gives the channel the freedom to choose, based on their strategy, whether they will apply for a product sales program or a services program. It is important to highlight that our cloud strategy is highly focused on service partners, as we know that organizations are increasingly leveraging the cloud to enhance their businesses. 

How do you ensure that channel partners thrive in a highly competitive market?  

In order for the business partners in our ecosystem to be competitive and strong in their areas of operation, we create joint methodology and plans. This way, we can map out business opportunities together, as well as support customers in their journey to the cloud and, of course, in future matters. We are confident that this is a great opportunity for both our current and new partners. This means that they can count on our support throughout the processes, enabling them with ongoing training, keeping them updated with the latest technologies, and supporting customers with cloud migration strategies. Specialization and knowledge are very important topics for us. 

What are the latest trends you see emerging in the channel?  

Today, we are not only talking about products or solutions. The world has changed in every aspect, and the keyword is service. At Oracle, we see the ecosystem’s shift towards services as very positive. The focus is definitely different and we are facing a new way of speaking and interacting when it comes to sales. Channels play a very relevant role in this context. We believe that the main trend is to change the mindset towards the cloud services universe. In this regard, we propose, on one hand, to always stay updated regarding the transformation of companies, and on the other hand, to make the connection between this and the business plans for each company, deeply understanding their industry-specific needs.  

What is your management philosophy?  

This is a very interesting topic. We believe in and work based on collective collaboration, the integration of a single network that complements and integrates itself. We never lose sight of the fact that behind every technology, there are human beings. So, in order to address this diversity of realities and needs, collaboration at different levels is key nowadays. We need to be more collaborative in order to solve and provide solutions to complex problems, and consequently, contribute to improving processes and businesses. Acting as a collective has much more value, it adds up and transforms. Forming networks with others, truly creating an ecosystem with this profile, understanding and knowing together the real needs of customers, is an ideal path. Collaboration is today the true essence of the word partner. 

When you reflect on your career, what has been the most memorable achievement?  

I love Oracle’s organizational culture and the opportunity to have lived in other countries. Today, I am serving as the leader of Cloud Strategic Alliances, with many opportunities to grow in this field in the region, based in Mexico. This experience feels unique to me. From Mexico, I manage an extremely aligned and diverse team across Latin America. I practice collaborative and highly inclusive leadership because not only has the business relationship with clients changed, but also the way we connect with people in our day-to-day work. That should be part of our training as leaders in any company or industry sector. 

What made you consider a career in technology?  

I have a passion for innovation and assisting clients in advancing to new levels while reaping the advantages of Oracle’s cloud technology. I find great satisfaction in adding value to their businesses, comprehending their needs and effectively supporting their growth strategies. Witnessing the progress in data infrastructure and its secure management, analysis, and sharing for diverse objectives is truly inspiring. Moreover, I hold a deep appreciation for diversity and inclusion, recognizing their pivotal role in fostering solutions that encompass a multitude of perspectives and ideas.  

What do you think will be the hot topic in technology in 2023?  

Undoubtedly, the topic will be Artificial Intelligence, which encompasses security, data, Machine Learning and much more. I firmly believe that all these aspects are interconnected, empowering individuals, improving lives, and creating new opportunities. This emerging field has already garnered significant attention, with many voices calling for further exploration. It is true that technology enables and democratizes its use, allowing more people to enjoy its benefits. However, in the current landscape, we must exercise caution, particularly regarding threats and cyberattacks. This serves as a call for all companies to include a security pillar in their action plans or business strategies, ensuring their protection. The vulnerability that many organizations face in this situation is deeply concerning, and they are not handling it well. The technology exists and is available to help them prepare for risk situations. Equally important is the preparation of IT teams to devise tactics that can effectively counter these types of attacks and prevent losses of confidential information, customer data, or sales operations, for example. 

What are your interests, and where do you like spending most of your time after work?  

I enjoy being with people, engaging in outdoor activities, spending time with my children, dedicating time to volunteering, and participating, especially in mentoring programs. 

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